It’s official. My 2018 RFDS Kimberley Calendar fundraiser is a wrap! A massive thank you to all 40 outlets that were involved last year and to everyone who has a calendar hanging on their wall somewhere!
All 3000 Kimberley and Gibb River Road calendars are now scattered all over Australia and around the world. Thanks to your support we officially raised $14,000 in 2018, and with a number of outlets donating their calendar profits directly to the RFDS the real total was more than $18,000, bringing our overall fundraising total from the last 3 years to more than $48,500. THANK YOU.
It’s pretty amazing to think this started really small a few years ago and has snowballed every year with more and more people keen to get involved. A special Thank You to APT Kimberley Wilderness Adventures and their lodge staff and tour guides for making the calendars available through their remote wilderness lodges. And to everyone who chooses to sell the product with minimal or no profit. I’m very aware the tourist season is short and overheads in the Kimberley are high. Your involvement speaks loudly of a tremendous community generosity and the sheer goodwill for the Royal Flying Doctor Service that makes the whole thing a success. THANK YOU.
As someone who has lived and worked remotely in the Kimberley for 6 years now the RFDS has been an invaluable lifeline in times of need. I remember the feeling of picking up the phone when a friend fell and knocked himself unconscious on the Gibb River Road. Faced with a potential spinal injury, to have that lifeline in the middle of nowhere – in the middle fo the Kimberley – and to have an emergency evacuation after dark still gives me goosebumps just to think about it. I remember getting to the airstrip at Mt Barnett, seeing the RFDS ready and waiting and the sense of relief and reassurance as he was whisked away to safety. He made a full recovery. THANK YOU.
So thanks to the Royal Flying Doctor Service, thanks to those who help sell the calendars, thanks to those who bought the calendars and have them hanging on their wall somewhere. And thanks for allowing me to share some pretty photos of some pretty amazing places. THANK YOU. ~ Gary
